PagoPa Digital Platform 

Since March 1st, 2021, all amounts specified in the fee schedule adopted by this Institute shall be paid exclusively using the PagoPA digital platform, as required by law. 

The platform enables payments to the public administration in standardized manner, using participating Payment Service Providers (PSPs). The payment system for the State Archives of Palermo can be reached at the following link: 

Payment Methods 

After registering on the portal, you must select Online Payments, choose State Archives of Palermo and type in the amount to be paid, entering the service of interest as the reason for payment, among the following: 

  • photo-reproductions 
  • tax stamps 
  • concession for temporary use of State Archives premises 

If the payment refers to a cost estimate, the concerning protocol number written in the response from the Administration needs to be indicated in the field reason for payment

Research service by mail

In case of photo-reproductions made through the Research service by email, it is necessary to indicate the protocol number of the cost estimate practice in the field reason for payment.  Only after payment verification, the scans will be sent to the applicant.   

Legislative references 

How to make electronic payments (Art. 5 D.Lgs 82/2005, Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale

Electronic payments (Art. 15 D.L. 179/2012, Ulteriori misure urgenti per la crescita del Paese, convertito con modificazioni dalla L. 17 DICEMBRE 2012, N. 221

Necessary information for electronic payments – Pubblicazione delle informazioni necessarie per l’effettuazione di pagamenti informatici (Art 36 D.Lgs. 33/2013) 

[2024 ed. FG, tr. GG]

Ultima modifica: 21 Febbraio 2024