Certified true copies for administrative purposes

It’s possible to request certified true copies of records for administrative purposes, by sending the form on stamped paper, with the required tax stamps, considering the tax exemptions provided by law (*). 

The following tax regime applies to requests: 

  1. Request of certified copies for administrative purpose must be written on stamped paper (16,00 €) for each sheet, completed with the specific archival signature. 
  1. Tax stamps must be affixed on the copy of the document (16,00 € each), one stamp every four pages (protocol format). 
  1. The applicant is also required to reimburse charges incurred by the State Archives to make the copies  (see fee schedule). 

The request should be submitted using the dedicated form, see MODULISTICA, Archivio di Stato. 

Plain paper copies are issued: 

  • in the interest of the State; 
  • in the interest of the Civil Justice; 
  • requests from Public Administration offices; 
  • requests from the Legal Authority; 
  • requests from persons admitted to legal aid; 
  • requests for retirement purposes. 

Please note that the State Archives do not perform as Italian Registry office; they do not issue certificates or extracts of birth, marriage, death for the application for Italian citizenship.  The office responsible for issuing certificates and extracts for the application is the Stato Civile (Registry office) of the municipality of birth. The State Archives shall issue simple copies, taken from the above-mentioned registers, only in case of loss or destruction of the corresponding documents held by the Municipality, attested by the Municipality itself. 

(*) Reference legislation 

Certified true copies: Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di documentazione amministrativa (DPR 445/2000, art. 18

See also: Informatic copies of analogue documents: Codice dell’amministrazione digitale – CAD (D.lgs. 82/2005, art. 22); Linee guida sulla formazione, gestione e conservazione dei documenti informatici  (par. 2.2 Copie per immagine su supporto informatico di documenti analogici

Tax regime: DPR 26 ottobre 1972, n. 642; D.M. 20 agosto 1992, art. 3 – Approvazione della tariffa dell’imposta di bollo. 

Exemptions: DPR 26 ottobre 1972, n. 642; circolare DGA n. 12/2007. 

[2024 ed. FG, tr. GG ]

Ultima modifica: 21 Febbraio 2025