Photo Reproductions
Reproduction through own means
Users can freely take photographs of the records they are consulting with their own cameras for personal or research use and with nonprofit purposes, by filling the dedicated form in, available on Modulistica – section Archivio di Stato.
In the form the user states, on their personal responsibility, that the reproductions produced through their own means are not to be used for profit, but rather for study and research purposes and in compliance with current legislation.
Photographs must be taken on the user’s desk, with no flash or other light sources, tripods or contact with the records, both in the Research room and in the dedicated room. Records cannot undergo treatments that could compromise their preservation and readability (e.g., contact, crushing of the spine, use of glass or clamps).
Paid photo reproduction service
The photo reproduction laboratory, equipped with two large professional high-resolution scanners, manages the digital reproduction of archival records, both for internal preservation and for public use.
Requests for photo reproduction can be sent via e-mail to It is necessary to specify the fonds, the series, the archival unit, the file and the date of the record. The photo reproduction service is paid and does not apply to entire archive units.
The photo reproduction service carries out its activities by taking the records from the deposits, retrieving the requested sections and making preparations for the necessary procedure. Reproductions of records sent via email from Italy and abroad therefore require a fixed fee for each archival unit (register, volume), further costs will be added for the chosen types, formats, number of copies, the use/destination of the reproductions and the quantity/run of the reproductions. The price list is available on our tariffario.
The timing of the photo reproduction service can be different depending on the quantity of reproductions requested and the workload.
The material is usually delivered within 30 days after payment receipt.
Terms of payment
Since March 1st, 2021, the amounts must be paid exclusively through the PagoPA digital platform. Only once the payment is verified will the digital images be sent to the applicant.
Visit our webpage about digital payments
Copies for administrative use
To request a certified true copy, the application must be written on stamped paper carrying the proper tax stamps, without any prejudice to the exemptions provided for by DPR 642/1972 and by DGA circular no. 12/2007.
For more information see Copie autentiche a fini amministrativi (Certified true copies for administrative purposes)
[2024 ed. FG, tr. GV]
Ultima modifica: 21 Febbraio 2024