Research service by email 

In the State Archives, a research service by email is available. It provides specific information about archive groups of the Institute. 

The research office replies only to requests sent by e-mail. Requests must specify the aim of the research (study, personal, administrative) and must be sent, attaching a copy of an ID document to .

To allow the identification of the records it is necessary that: 

  • the subject of the research is well-defined; 
  • the request contains complete information (please specify the fonds, the series, the archival unit, the file and the date of the record).  

In the absence of these data, the replies will contain only useful indications about the fonds and the series for direct research to be conducted by the interested person. It is so suggested to previously consult the web pages Patrimonio archivistico (Archival Heritage) and Strumenti di ricerca (Archival access tools), in order to find general information about all the archive groups kept in the Institute.  

We remind you that: 

Research in the State Archives is free and open and must be done directly by the researchers. 

 It is not possible to conduct research on behalf of the users interested in accessing archival units, nor make systematic examinations of the records. 

Please note that the State Archives do not perform as Italian Registry office; they do not issue certificates or extracts of birth, marriage, death for the application for Italian citizenship.  The office responsible for issuing certificates and extracts for the application is the Stato Civile (Registry office) of the municipality of birth. The State Archives shall issue simple copies, taken from the above-mentioned registers, only in case of loss or destruction of the corresponding documents held by the Municipality, attested by the Municipality itself. 

Types of research 

For further information about the specific research you are interested in, please visit the following web pages: 

Ricerche su documentazione anagrafica e militare (Register office and military records research)  
Richiesta e invio di copie autentiche a fini amministrativi  (Certified true copies for administrative purposes)

Method of payment of digital reproductions 

The sum total of the record scans will be calculated on the price list in force (see Tariffario) and must be paid only through the platform PagoPA.

Please visit our webpage about digital payments. 

Only after payment verification, the scans will be sent to the applicant.  

For further information, visit Fotoriproduzioni.  

[2024 ed. FG, tr. EC; 2025 ed. FG]

Ultima modifica: 21 Febbraio 2025