Register office and military records research 

The State Archives provides a research service by email for Anagrafe records (register office: records of births, marriages and deaths) and military service records, such as liste di leva, fogli e ruoli matricolari (conscription lists, matriculation files), both for administrative and study purpose. 

Please, fill the application form in, available on the web page MODULISTICA – section Archivio di Stato, and send it by email to,with a copy of an ID document attached. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.  

Research can be made in the following records, considering that the archival material has some gaps: 

  • Stato Civile della Restaurazione (1820-1865): register office records of Palermo province towns. Because of gaps, to ensure the presence of the year of interest, please search on the following list: Elenco Sommario. 

Both for register office and military records, precise information about dates and towns is necessary.  

We remind you that, on the Portale degli Antenati (Ancestors Portal) it is possible to find the above-mentioned records, clicking on “Cerca i registri” (Search registries). For later register office records, please ask to the municipality of interest, for later military records visit the web page Ufficio Documentale di Palermo – Esercito Italiano

Ultima modifica: 21 Febbraio 2024